Welcome to Meet the Geeks, an innovative tech networking community located in the beautiful mountains of Western North Carolina. With a passion for technology, we are driven by three core tenants that define our dynamic and vibrant community.

MTG creates a safe and engaging social environment for geeks to be geeks. Our networking events inform our community about opportunities to contribute to our overall mission of creating a unified and thriving community (for technologists and everyone).
Employees, employers, and a community grow best when the right people are performing the right role for the right organization. As a member, you get access to our network of technologists and businesses - for free.
"Its not what you know. Its not who you know. Its who knows what you know."
-- Eli Etherton (Fireside Chat, 2023)

MTG seeks to unite the technology community to tackle local issues of workforce, personal, professional, and community development.
Our programs and events seek to grow the local community through projects that provide educational opportunities, create generational wealth, improve professional mobility, and overall economic and personal development.
The rising tide lifts all ships.
Connecting and growing the technology community.
Meet the Geeks | Make the Geeks
We host social networking events on the last Wednesday of every odd-numbered month.
We also host and support other tech- and workforce-centric events, conferences, etc. Check out our Events page for details and opportunities.
In 2024, Meet the Geeks launched
Make the Geeks - an educational program to help people learn and build the attributes and skills necessary for a job in technology.
We're also involved in many other programs including apprenticeships and internships, device refurbishment, re-entry, and more.
We get involved anywhere there is a computer, device, or technology in use - and we do so with a 100% volunteer member base. We rely on our sponsor to accomplish our goals and mission.
Sponsors make our events and programs happen - thank you sponsors!
Thank you dear sponsors.
Our sponsors make our events and programming happen. Without them, we'd be [null].

See geeks in action.
We are all geeks; we talk tech, geek out, meme it up, and mostly adore Sci-Fi. If you are a geek, or need one at your work, swing by one of our networking events (meetup.com/meet-the-geeks) and get connected.
Meet the Geeks is an all-volunteer organization that provides a common contact point for the IT industry in North Carolina. Projects range from casual socializing at bi-monthly get-togethers to the development of educational platforms to make more geeks in our community. Our goal is to build a network of professionals across all business sectors – from development to recruiting, programming to capital – that promotes relationships and the cross-pollination of ideas to foster economic growth in Western North Carolina.
"Meet the Geeks is a powerful group of technologists helping our community launch special programs in education, professional development, and workforce development."
Latest Jobs
We've got a blog setup to post active jobs. When the position is filled, we'll close down posting and updates for that position. For notifications, you can follow the posts, but don't forget to follow us on LinkedIn as well.
Shining Rock Ventures (SRV) is a boutique advisory group that is rooted in Southern Appalachia but...
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