Our story
Meet the Geeks was founded in early 2005 as a way to provide a safe and encouraging environment for technology professionals to gather, socialize, share work experiences, and find more jobs.
After nearly two decades, we've evolved into an all-volunteer organization focused on supporting the tech community by:
- Creating valuable opportunities for networking
- Nourishing partnerships with local governments, non-profits, and the educational sector; and
- Encouraging individual professional development.
Our goals
- Personal Development
- Community Development
- Economic Development

Personal Development
The primary attribute of a good technologist is the desire to learn new things. As we learn, we develop skills that we leverage to improve ourselves, the businesses we work for, and our community as a whole.
The rising tide lifts all shifts but that isn't possible without a focus on personal development. In this analogy, as we develop, we bring more tide (more water to the equation).
Community Development
Our community is comprised of people and businesses. As we geeks share our personal development with the people and businesses around us through education, mentoring, service, and support, more people have the ability to thrive. Think of "pay it forward" meets a free staffing agency.
In our tide analogy, the community are the boats and ships in the water.

Economic Development
To get super geeky: Personal Development + Community Development = Economic Development.
With more tide, we can support more ships, ore more growth. Our programs and members currently support our school systems, government, businesses, and people at large. We seek to serve the entire ecosystem through workforce initiatives, educational programs, free staffing and placement, and just about anything where we may be able to provide some expertise.

Our board members
Lorem ipsum dolor; what else can we say about ourselves, though. We're here to serve our technical community and community at large.

Chris Brunton
No proper organization would worth its weight without at a brit on-board. Chris is a data guru, knows all the Reynolds rules, is a total whiskey man, a runner, a father, and a fantastic leader. Where proud to have him!

Steve Newman
Always the loudest person, even without a megaphone. You can count on Steve to add a note to every conversation ALWAYS promoting our goals, mission, and programs. Did we mention, sponsor-finder?

Hans Hegge
Technologist, entrepreneur, and bean-counter?! Hans is the core fiber of the board keeping us "regular" in our organization, tools, taxes, and whatnot. This dudes gets things done.

Marc Czarnecki
Regional Development
The real staple to the #geek community. Marc is involved everywhere and keeps the pulse on all things WNC with a special knack for education, economic growth, and technology awareness.

Chris Buehler
This is the man to talk to if you are starting a business - regardless of the type. We can't call him the grandfather but he may be the closest one there for us. Our Chief Operator, Chris is our linkage to professionalism.

Julio "AI" Barros
AI Specialist
We swear that AI wasn't a thing until Julio brought his expertise to Asheville. Timing could be coincidence but we don't necessarily believe that. Julio leads many AI initiatives in our community.

Stephen Ahlgren
Data & Architecture
Stephen is our latest addition to the board and has a passion for education. Stephen works in the data and business analytics space. Ask him about his farm in Black Mountain.

Tracy Schmidt
Director Emeritus
Tracy served as our chair through an important revival time for MTG. Her contributions build the current culture we embrace. We are forever thankful for Tracy's continued commitment to our prosperity!

[Your specialty]
There is one open spot on our board. Do you have ideas on how geeks can help our community thrive? Write to us!
Our culture
Meet the Geeks promotes regional economic develop through service to the community by the community. We embrace and develop a nurturing culture for geeks by geeks. You can expect conversations on bleeding edge technology, old school technology, anime, Star Wars, Star Trek, employment, biking, climbing, The Expanse, Game of Thrones, memes, and bourbon and beer!
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