Sponsorship levels
Meet the Geeks is a non-profit organization so all donations are tax deductible.
Any sponsorship provides a warming sense of personal satisfaction, official geek bragging rights,
and your logo plastered everywhere we publish and distribute content.
Further, as a sponsor, you get direct access to our community of technologists.
We embrace the idea that the right company requires the right person in the right position.
Come on by and meet the geeks; take advantage of an essentially free staffing agency.
After all the above, your donation also supports our organization at the level you select below
For the
Benefits at this level:
Support the MTG mission without a spotlight.
Contribute in services or dollars and feel good about growing technology in WNC.
Feed the
Benefits at this level:
Nourish your fellow Geeks at the semi-monthly networking event.
Be the talk of the networking events and get recognized for your contribution.
Get up-to 10 minutes to "soapbox" and address the Geeks at events.
Profile, logo, and links on our website (and newsletters) so all WNC learns about your company.
Platinum Pocket Protector
Benefits of PPP:
Complete investment in the growth of the WNC Tech Sector.
Fully support the value of the MTG mission and all our efforts.
Recognition and admiration by all our geek members.
Sponsorship or creation of a class or presentation for an event during the year.
All company employees have access to MTG member benefits.
Includes all benefits from the Feed the Geeks level.
Much love to our sponsors
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Accelerate your cybersecurity career
Carolina Cyber Center offers an innovative path to cybersecurity careers by providing affordable and flexible training. Their cohorts allow individuals to achieve vital certifications and get hands-on experience in less than a year, even without an IT background.
Join the CCC to transform your career and equip yourself with in-demand cybersecurity skills.
Billion dollar biz with local tech team
Join a local team of developers, designers, product managers, and data analysts with an office in downtown Asheville. Competing in the home furnishing product space, you'll tackle solutions in inventory management, distribution, marketing, and outreach for customers across the globe.
Sustainably connecting our region
ERC delivers best-in-class, dedicated fiber internet services to businesses, governments, and critical anchor institutions across Western North Carolina. Insufficient internet damages your business operations and reputation; be a local here, help your business succeed, and grow our community in the process.
Beer with a commitment to community
Flat-out shout-out to Adam Charnack and the amazing team at Hi-Wire Brewing. With the vision and integrity to support community development projects (like MTG), Hi-Wire and The Tiki Bar help us cultivate our ideas into functional programs, providing nourishment, space, and resources we leverage for the greater good. If you get a chance (try their beer), read about Hi-Wire and recognize how our partnership is very well aligned.
RMM on steroids
Level.io is the next-generation of remote monitoring and management in the IT world. Build with security at its core, IT teams can do more, reach farther, and manage better - all from the comfort of their desk. Level augments RMM with automation (pre-build or custom designed), scripts, and a wider platform reach than most other providers. On top of which, it is homegrown here in Western North Carolina. Be better, on Level.
Local governments promoting prosperity
The workforce arm of our local council of governments (COGs) develops and promotes programs to grow our economy with strong employers that hire properly educated community members. Programs exist for education, skill creation, job matching, on-the-job training, apprenticeships, grants and funding for business opportunities, and more.
Communication at the root of growth
A message in a vacuum is useless. When shared with quality, it can move mountains! Our local Verizon Wireless team is highly invested in helping our community stay connected and grow. With national and global support, this team thinks and acts locally; we're excited and thankful to have them aboard and call them a sponsor.
Four-years to a better us
An accredited four-year university in our front-yard is a credit to the commitment of our educational system. UNCA, as a whole, not just the Computer Science department, offers partnerships and support for programs we trust and use to help our local population gain the education and employment that improves our community.
Frequently asked questions
If we haven't answered your question(s) below, swing by an event and talk to a board member or join our newsletter (lots of information sharing goes on through our monthly newsletter).
Are my donations tax deductible?
Yes. Meet the Geeks is a registered non-profit organization (501.c.3) with a mission to foster the technology community and augment our workforce.
How can I contribute?
Find a board member and ask them. We're always looking for volunteers to help mentor and share experiences in local schools, mentor in educational bootcamps, and with other various programs?
What does a board member do?
At the heart of mission are a core of volunteers that sacrifice a few hours every month to create and promote our mission and programs. Additionally, each board member is responsible for putting on a single networking event per year (which takes no more than 3 hours of effort).
Can I join the board?
Our board is limited to eight (8) active members, but that doesn't mean you cannot contribute or participate. Our board meetings happen six (6) times a year, typically in opposite months of our network events. They last about two (2) hours and are after-work hours.
If you are interested in joining the board, speak to any existing board member.